Can’t start Dynamips on Port 7200
How to troubleshoot when error “Can’t start Dynamips on Port 7200” show in GNS3?
Step 1: Click “Ok” in GNS3 Error
Step 2: Then click on "Edit"
Step 3: Click on “Preference” tab you will see preference wizard on display screen
Step 4: Then Clicks on “Dynamips” Tab
Step 5: By default working directory for Dynamips location is C:\Users\User name\AppData\Local\Temp so you need to change it into C:\Program Files (x86)\GNS3\Dynamips
Step 6: Then click on “Test setting”
Step 7: Click on Apply and ok.
Please see screen shot for further step:-
Step 1:-
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Step 4:-
Step 5:-
Step 6:-
Step 6:-
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