How To Reset Root Password On CentOS

How To Reset Root Password On CentOS 7

In this Article we will learn that how to reset root password on CentOS 7. The way to reset the root password on centos7 is totally different to Centos 6. Let me show you how to reset root password in CentOS 7.

Step 1 – In the boot grub menu select option to edit.

Step 2 – Select Option to edit (e).

Step 3 – Go to the line of Linux 16 and remove rhgb quiet and then type init=/bin/sh.

Step 5. mount -o remount,rw / and then check through df -h command

Step 4 – Now press Control+x to start on single user mode.

Step 5 – Reset the password.

passwd root

Step 6 – Update selinux information

touch /.autorelabel

Step 7 – reboot

exec /sbin/init

Now you have successfully reset root password of Centos 7.

Hope this article help you to fix issue.



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