MKDIR command in Linux

MKDIR command in Linux

Linux/Unix mkdir or “make directory” command is used for creating directories/folders on the filesystem. This is a simple and frequently used Linux command.

Command 1 :-
To Create a new Directory

Use mkdir followed by new directory name to create directory in current location.

$mkdir test

Command 2 :- To create multiple Directories

Creating multiple directories in current directory in single command. Below command will create three directories test1, test2, test3 in current directory.

$mkdir test1 test2 test3

Command 3 :- To create directory at specific location

Create directory to other location without changing current directory. Type full path of directory like below.

$ mkdir /var/www/folder1/public

Command 4 :- Create Directory with Intermediate Directory

The above command will failed with mesage “mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/www/folder1/public’: No such file or directory”, if any of intermediate directory does not exist. In that situation use -p option to tell mkdir to create intermediate directories if not exists.

$ mkdir -p /var/www/folder1/public

Command 5 :-Create A Directory with Specific Permission

During creation of directories, you can set specific permissions using -m option. This is similiar to use chmod command.

$ mkdir -m 644 test1
$ mkdir -m a=rwx test1
$ mkdir -m u=rw,g=r,o=r test1

Command 6 :- Create Multiple Directories at Specific Location

This is very lesser known option for creating multiple directories on different location with single command. This will create directories named one, two, three in test1 directory.

$ mkdir -p test1/{one|two|three}



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