File System Hierarchy of Linux

File System Hierarchy of Linux

What is File System Hierarchy Standard?
The File system Hierarchy Standard (FHS) defines the directory structure and directory contents in Linux. It is maintained by the Linux distributor.

All files and directories appear under the root directory /.


/ -Top Level Directory

It is the main directory of Linux operating system. All directories work under the top level directory
and it contains the all data base of Linux operating system.

/root –Root Directory

It is a home directory of root user. It contains all database of root user.

/home –User Home Directories

It is the home directory of all normal user. It contains the all Information about all normal user. Whenever you create a user then a directory of user is created automatically under the home directory.

/boot –Static files of the boot loader Directory

It contains the all information about all booting files, boot loader and kernel.

/etc–Host specific system configuration

It contains the all information about all configuration files of server and services.

/bin -Essential User Command Binaries 

It contains the all information about all those command which  can be run by normal user such as mkdir, clear, ls etc

/sbin-System Binaries

It contains the all information about all those command which can be run only root user and restricted for the normal user Such as fdisk, useraddetc

/usr-User Utilities and Applications

It contains the all information about all application software programme which you have installed in your computer.

/dev-Device Files

It contains the all information about all hardware devices which you have attached in your computer.
such as : /dev/hda

/media –Removable Media

It contains the all information about all removal devices such as CD-ROM, Pen drive etc.

/proc–Process Information
The procfile system is a special file system in linux operating systems that presents information about processes and other system information. It doesn't contain 'real' files but run time system information (e.g.system memory, devices mounted, hardware configuration, etc)

/var–Variable Directory

Files whose content is expected to continually change during normal operation of the system—such as logs, spool files, and temporary e-mail files.

/tmp-Temporary Files

It contains the all information about all temporary files which are create automatically in the computer and after reboot system all the data will be lost.

/opt –Add-on Application software package

It contains all the information about all third party software which you have installed in your computer.

/mnt–Mounted file system

It contains the all information about all removal devices in temporary such as external HDD, Pen drive etc.



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