AWS S3 Glacier

 AWS S3 Glacier

In this article, we will see about Amazon web service S3 Glacier.

What is S3 Glacier?

Amazon S3 Glacier is an extremely low-cost storage service that provides secure and durable storage for data archiving and backup.

 In order to keep costs low, Amazon S3 Glacier is optimized for data that is infrequently accessed and for which retrieval times of several hours are suitable. 

With Amazon S3 Glacier, customers can reliably store large or small amounts of data.

They are designed to deliver 99.999999999% durability and provide comprehensive security and compliance capabilities that can help meet even the most stringent regulatory requirements.

Benefit of S3 Glacier

Great Durability and Scalability: 
Amazon Glacier runs on the world’s largest international cloud infrastructure and was designed for 99% of sturdiness. Knowledge automatically distributes across a minimum of 3 physical accessibility zones that are geographically separated inside an AWS Region, and AWS Glacier may automatically replicate knowledge to the other AWS Region.

Comprehensive and Compliance Capabilities: 
Amazon Glacier offers subtle integration with AWS CloudTrail to log, monitor and retain storage API call activities for auditing and supports 3 totally different sorts of encryption.  AWS Glacier additionally supports security standards and compliance certifications

Quick Retrievals:
Amazon Glacier provides 3 retrieval choices to suit your use case. Facilitated retrievals generally return information in 1-5 minutes, and are better for Active Archive use cases. Normal retrievals generally complete between 3-5 hours work, and work well for fewer time-sensitive desires like backup data, media re-writing, or semi-permanent analytics.

AWS Glacier intends to very cheap price AWS object storage category, permitting you to archive assive amounts of knowledge at an awfully low price. This makes it possible to retain all the knowledge and he information the user would like to use in cases like data lakes, analytics, IOT, machine learning, ompliance, and media plus archiving. You pay just for what you would like, with no minimum commitments or up-front fees.

Uses of AWS Glacier

Digital Storage.

Scientific Data Storage.

Healthcare information Archiving.

Regulatory and Compliance Archiving.

Magnetic Tape Replacement.

Steps to create AWS S3 Glacier Vault

Choose the Region and then provide a name for your vault. Then click on “Next step”

Do not enable notifications and that means there is no “Step 3: Event Notification Details”

Review the content and click on “Submit”.

An Amazon S3 Glacier vault has been successfully created.

You can set up Retrieval policies according to your needs. I have provided it as “Free Tier only” as it is.



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