create container from docker hub and create docker images from existing container and push docker images on docker hub

How to create container from Docker Hub.
How to create Docker images from existing container.
How to push Docker images on Docker Hub.

In this article we will see that how to create container from Docker Hub & how to create docker images from existing container & how to push docker images on docker hub. let's start step by step.

How to create container from Docker Hub:

Open browser and open docker hub after that search images what you have to download and make container.

There are two option to create container:

Pull images from docker hub and then create container & Direct use docker run command to create container.

To create container with container name and expose port:
[user@cmp]# docker run -it --name ons -p 80:80 nginx:latest

To start container:
[user@cmp]# docker start ons

Now we are going to run live website, please follow the below step to live nginx server with website.

To create a file which name is index.html by using nano editor tool:
[user@cmp]# nano index.html

After that paste your code in index.html file and then save and exit from nano editor.

To copy index.html file and paste it in nginx directory:
[user@cmp]# docker cp index.html ons:/usr/share/nginx/html/

Open browser and type system ipaddress and port number such as

How to create images from existing docker container:

If you have existing docker container on your system and you want to make images from docker container so please follow instruction as mention.

To check container name or container id:
[user@cmp]# docker ps

To create images from existing docker container:
[user@cmp]# docker commit ons saiyyadhussain/nginx:v1

ons:  It is container name you can use container id or container name.

saiyyadhussain/nginx :  It is account name on Docker Hub and images name also when you commit any container to create images. It is need when you push images on dockerhub for repository.
v1: It’s tag name.

To check images:
[user@cmp]# docker images

How to push docker images on Docker Hub:

If you have docker images on your local system and you want to push docker images on docker hub so please follow instruction as mention.

To check images:
[user@cmp]# docker images

To docker hub login on local system:
[user@cmp]# docker login
Note: It will ask for user id and password of docker hub.

To push docker images on docker hub:
[user@cmp]# docker push saiyyadhussain/nginx:v1

After completing pushing task you can check your images on docker hub.



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